A Message from Pastor David and Nadine on the Close of Twenty Six Eight Church
God’s purpose for Twenty Six Eight has come to a close. In unity with our elders, Aaron & Brooke Sperry, we believe it is the best decision to release the people of Twenty Six Eight to find another congregation. The purposes Jesus has placed in our personal and corporate heart will now be fulfilled differently. We believe Jesus is leading in these decisions and we embrace them in faith and humility.
We haven’t come to this decision lightly. It has been a privilege to lead this congregation. For over two decades, we have shared life, raised our children, and seen God do amazing things. None of these blessings change because the decisions we must now make.
While this season will impact all of us differently, it is an open door. God is not done with anyone. His intentions, gifts, and call remain in all of us and will go with us wherever we go.
For those who would like to continue giving to Twenty Six Eight, we will accept tithes and offerings through the end of September. You can give here.
Thank you for the years of friendship.
Pastors David & Nadine
Aaron & Brooke Sperry